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How to use PHP & Word (Word.Application) - Create/Insert Table (Tables.Add)

How to use PHP & Word (Word.Application) - Create/Insert Table (Tables.Add) The Learn / Lutorial / Sctipts php programming how to using  PHP Create Word document and Insert Table (Tables.Add)

ShotDev Focus:
- PHP  & Create Word document and add Insert Table (Tables.Add)



<title>ShotDev.Com Tutorial</title>
$Wrd = new COM("Word.Application");
$Wrd->Application->Visible = False;
$DocName = "MyDoc/MyWord.doc";

//$strPath = realpath(basename(getenv($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]))); // C:/AppServ/www/myphp

$WrdDoc = $Wrd->Documents->Add();

$WTable = $WrdDoc->Tables->Add($Wrd->Selection->Range, 3, 3); // Colums, Rows

$WTable->Cell(1,1)->Range->Font->Name = "Times New Roman";
$WTable->Cell(1,1)->Range->Text = "ShotDev.Com 1";
$WTable->Cell(1,2)->Range->Font->Size = 18;
$WTable->Cell(1,2)->Range->Bold = True;
$WTable->Cell(1,2)->Range->Font->Italic = True;
$WTable->Cell(1,2)->Range->Text = "ShotDev.Com 2";
$WTable->Cell(2,1)->Range->ParagraphFormat->Alignment = 1; // 0= Left, 1=Center, 2=Right

$WTable->Cell(2,1)->Range->Font->Name = "Arial";
$WTable->Cell(2,1)->Range->Font->Size = 12;
$WTable->Cell(2,1)->Range->Bold = False;
$WTable->Cell(2,1)->Range->ParagraphFormat->Alignment = 2;

$WTable->Cell(3,3)->Range->Font->Name = "Times New Roman";
$WTable->Cell(3,3)->Range->Font->Size = 14;
$WTable->Cell(3,3)->Range->Bold = True;
$WTable->Cell(3,3)->Range->Font->Underline = True;
$WTable->Cell(3,3)->Range->ParagraphFormat->Alignment = 0;
$WTable->Cell(3,2)->Range->Text = "ShotDev.Com 3";

$Wrd = null;

Word Created <a href="<?=$DocName?>">Click here</a> to Download.

Create a php file and save to path root-path/myphp/



PHP & Create Word Insert Table (Tables.Add)

Download this script.

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