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How to use PHP & Chart/Graph - Generate Chart and Send Email Att achm ent Attac hment Atta ch ment Att ach ment

How to use PHP & Chart/Graph - Generate Chart and Send Email Attachment This learn / tutorial php programming how to using  PHP Create Chart/Graph - Generate Chart and Send Email Attachment

ShotDev Focus:
- PHP  & Create Chart/Graph - Generate Chart and Send Email Attachment



<title>ShotDev.Com Tutorial</title>

//*** Connect to MySQL Database ***//
$objConnect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","root") or die(mysql_error());
$objDB = mysql_select_db("mydatabase");
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM customer";
$objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL);
//*** Get Document Path ***//
$strPath = realpath(basename(getenv($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]))); // C:/AppServ/www/myphp

//*** File Name Gif,Jpeg,... ***//
$FileName = "MyXls/MyChart.Gif";
$Ext = "Gif";

//*** Excel Name ***//
$XlsName = "MyXls/MyChart.xls";

//*** Connect to Excel.Application ***//
$xlApp = new COM("Excel.Application");
$xlBook = $xlApp->Workbooks->Add();

$intStartRows = 2;
$intEndRows = mysql_num_rows($objQuery)+($intStartRows-1);

$xlSheet = $xlBook->Worksheets(1);

$xlApp->Application->Visible = False;

//*** Delete Sheet (2,3) - Sheet Default ***//

//*** Sheet Data Rows ***//
$xlBook->Worksheets(1)->Name = "MyReport";

$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,1)->Value = "Customer Name";
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,1)->Font->Name = "Tahoma";
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,1)->BORDERS->Weight = 1;
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,1)->Font->Size = 10;
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,1)->MergeCells = True;

$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,2)->Value = "Budget";
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,2)->BORDERS->Weight = 1;
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,2)->Font->Name = "Tahoma";
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,2)->Font->Size = 10;
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,2)->MergeCells = True;

$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,3)->Value = "Used";
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,3)->BORDERS->Weight = 1;
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,3)->Font->Name = "Tahoma";
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,3)->Font->Size = 10;
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,3)->MergeCells = True;

$i = 0;
While($result = mysql_fetch_array($objQuery))
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells($intStartRows+$i,1)->Value = $result["Name"];
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells($intStartRows+$i,2)->Value = $result["Budget"];
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells($intStartRows+$i,3)->Value = $result["Used"];
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells($intStartRows+$i,2)->NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Cells($intStartRows+$i,3)->NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
//*** End Data Rows ***//

//*** Charts Properties ***//
$objRange = $xlBook->Sheets("MyReport")->UsedRange;


//*** Set Localtion Sheet ***//

//*** Charts Properties ***//
$xlBook->ActiveChart->ChartType = 98;
$xlBook->ActiveChart->HasLegend = True;
$xlBook->ActiveChart->HasTitle = 1;
$xlBook->ActiveChart->ChartTitle->Text = "Customer Report";

//*** Legend Properties ***//
$xlBook->ActiveChart->Legend->Font->Name = "Arial";
$xlBook->ActiveChart->Legend->Font->Size = 5;

//*** Set Area & Location  ***//
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Shapes("Chart 1")->IncrementLeft(20);
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Shapes("Chart 1")->IncrementTop(-97.5);

//'*** Set Height & Width ***'
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Shapes("Chart 1")->ScaleHeight(2.0, 0,0);
$xlBook->ActiveSheet->Shapes("Chart 1")->ScaleWidth(1.5, 0,0);

//*** Save Charts ***//

//*** Save Excel ***//


//*************** Send Email ***************//

$strTo = "member@shotdev.com";
$strSubject = "Charts Report";
$strMessage = "Download MyChart.Gif for Excel Report";

//*** Uniqid Session ***//
$strSid = md5(uniqid(time()));

$strHeader = "";
$strHeader .= "From: Mr.Weerachai Nukitram<webmaster@shotdev.com>\nReply-To: webmaster@shotdev.com\n";
$strHeader .= "Cc: Mr.Surachai Sirisart<surachai@shotdev.com>";
$strHeader .= "Bcc: webmaster@shotdev.com";

$strHeader .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$strHeader .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"".$strSid."\"\n\n";
$strHeader .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n";

$strHeader .= "--".$strSid."\n";
$strHeader .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=windows-874\n"; // or UTF-8 //
$strHeader .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n";
$strHeader .= $strMessage."\n\n";

$strContent1 = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents("MyXls/MyChart.Gif")));
$strHeader .= "--".$strSid."\n";
$strHeader .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"MyChart.Gif\"\n";
$strHeader .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
$strHeader .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"MyChart.Gif\"\n\n";
$strHeader .= $strContent1."\n\n";

$flgSend = @mail($strTo,$strSubject,null,$strHeader); // @ = No Show Error //
echo "Charts Generated & Email Sending.";
echo "Cannot send mail.";

Create a php file and save to path root-path/myphp/


Download this script.

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