VB.NET & MySql.Data.MySQLClient - Transaction() - How to learn Connector/NET ADO.NET component MySql.Data.MySqlClient namespace is the .NET Framework Data Provider for MySql data source, Using the MySqlTransaction class for makes sure that changes that were made to the store are treated as a group that can be committed or rolled back (MySQL Server Database)
ShotDev Focus:
- VB.NET & MySql.Data.MySQLClient - Transaction()
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data"%> <%@ Import Namespace="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"%> <%@ Page Language="VB" %> <script runat="server"> Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) SampleTransaction() End Sub Sub SampleTransaction() Dim objConn As MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection Dim objCmd As MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand Dim strConnString,strSQL As String Dim Trans As MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlTransaction strConnString = "Server=localhost;User Id=root; Password=root; Database=mydatabase; Pooling=false" objConn = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(strConnString) objConn.Open() '*** Start Transaction ***' Trans = objConn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted) Try '*** Query 1 ***' strSQL = "INSERT INTO customer (CustomerID,Name,Email,CountryCode,Budget,Used) " & _ "VALUES ('C005','Weerachai Nukitram','webmaster@shotdev.com','TH','2000000','1000000')" objCmd = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand() With objCmd .Connection = objConn .Transaction = Trans .CommandType = CommandType.Text .CommandText = strSQL End With objCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() '*** Query 2 ***' strSQL = "INSERT INTO customer (CustomerID,Name,Email,CountryCode,Budget,Used) " & _ "VALUES ('C005','Weerachai Nukitram','webmaster@shotdev.com','TH','2000000','1000000')" objCmd = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand() With objCmd .Connection = objConn .Transaction = Trans .CommandType = CommandType.Text .CommandText = strSQL End With objCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Trans.Commit() '*** Commit Transaction ***' Me.lblText.Text = "Record is commit" Catch ex As Exception Trans.Rollback() '*** RollBack Transaction ***' Me.lblText.Text = "Record is rollback ("& ex.Message &")" End Try objCmd = Nothing objConn.Close() objConn = Nothing End Sub </script> <html> <head> <title>ShotDev.Com Tutorial</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:Label id="lblText" runat="Server"></asp:Label> </form> </body> </html>
Error Case
Record is rollback (Duplicate entry ‘C005′ for key 1)