ASP.NET( & Create Thumbnail Image - The in this tutorial, you’ll learn and example scripts how to Create image thumbnail using by ASP.NET scripts.
ShotDev Focus:
- ASP.NET( & Create Thumbnail Image
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing.Imaging" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.IO"%> <%@ Page Language="VB" %> <script runat="server"> Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) If Not Page.IsPostBack() Then Me.txtFrom.Text = "Gallery/" Me.txtTo.Text = "Resize/" End IF End Sub Sub btnCreate_OnClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Dim myDirInfo As DirectoryInfo Dim arrFileInfo As Array Dim myFileInfo As FileInfo Dim FileName As String Dim NewFileName As String Me.lblText.Text = "" myDirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(Me.txtFrom.Text)) arrFileInfo = myDirInfo.GetFiles("*.jpg") For Each myFileInfo In arrFileInfo FileName = txtFrom.Text & myFileInfo.Name NewFileName = txtTo.Text & "Thumbnail_"&myFileInfo.Name '*** Call to function resize ***' Call ResizeImages(FileName,NewFileName) Me.lblText.Text = Me.lblText.Text & (FileName & "===> <a href=" & NewFileName & ">" & NewFileName &"</a><br>") Next myFileInfo End Sub Sub ResizeImages(FileName,NewFileName) Dim intWidth,intHeight As Integer intWidth = 100 '*** Fix Width ***' intHeight = 0 '*** If = 0 Auto Re-Cal Size ***' Dim objGraphic As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(FileName)) Dim objBitmap As Bitmap '*** Calculate Height ***' If intHeight > 0 Then objBitmap = New Bitmap(objGraphic, intWidth, intHeight) Else If objGraphic.Width > intWidth Then Dim ratio As Double = objGraphic.Height / objGraphic.Width intHeight = ratio * intWidth objBitmap = New Bitmap(objGraphic, intWidth, intHeight) Else objBitmap = New Bitmap(objGraphic) End If End If '*** Save As ***' objBitmap.Save(Server.MapPath(NewFileName), objGraphic.RawFormat) '*** Close ***' objGraphic.Dispose() '*** Nothing ***' objBitmap = Nothing objGraphic = Nothing End Sub </script> <html> <head> <title>ShotDev.Com Tutorial</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:Label id="lblForm" runat="server" Text="Path From" Width="58px"></asp:Label> <asp:Textbox id="txtFrom" runat="server"></asp:Textbox><br /> <asp:Label id="lblTo" runat="server" Text="Path To" Width="58px"></asp:Label> <asp:Textbox id="txtTo" runat="server"></asp:Textbox> <input id="btnCreate" type="button" OnServerClick="btnCreate_OnClick" value="Create" runat="server" /> <hr /> <asp:Label id="lblText" runat="server"></asp:Label> </form> </body> </html>