How to use ASP & Oracle Delete Multiple Rows Record Using Checkbox This is tutorial asp developers how to using ASP delete multiple record from oracle database.
ShotDev Focus:
- ASP & Oracle delete multiple record using checkbox.
Example 1
<% Option Explicit %> <html> <head> <title>ShotDev.Com Tutorial</title> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> function onDelete() { if(confirm('Do you want to delete ?')==true) { return true; } else { return false; } } </script> <form name="frmMain" action="asp_oracle_delete_checkbox2.asp" method="post" OnSubmit="return onDelete();"> <% Dim Conn,strSQL,objRec Set Conn = Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Open "Driver={Oracle in OraHome92};DBQ=TCDB;UID=myuser;PWD=mypassword;" strSQL = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER " Set objRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") objRec.Open strSQL, Conn, 1,3 %> <table width="600" border="1"> <tr> <th width="91"> <div align="center">CustomerID </div></th> <th width="98"> <div align="center">Name </div></th> <th width="198"> <div align="center">Email </div></th> <th width="97"> <div align="center">CountryCode </div></th> <th width="59"> <div align="center">Budget </div></th> <th width="71"> <div align="center">Used </div></th> <th width="30"> <div align="center">Delete </div></th> </tr> <% While Not objRec.EOF %> <tr> <td><div align="center"><%=objRec.Fields("CUSTOMERID").Value%></div></td> <td><%=objRec.Fields("NAME").Value%></td> <td><%=objRec.Fields("EMAIL").Value%></td> <td><div align="center"><%=objRec.Fields("COUNTRYCODE").Value%></div></td> <td align="right"><%=objRec.Fields("BUDGET").Value%></td> <td align="right"><%=objRec.Fields("USED").Value%></td> <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="chkDel" value="<%=objRec.Fields("CUSTOMERID").Value%>"></td> </tr> <% objRec.MoveNext Wend %> </table> <% objRec.Close() Conn.Close() Set objRec = Nothing Set Conn = Nothing %> <input type="submit" name="btnDelete" value="Delete"> </form> </body> </html>
<% Option Explicit %> <html> <head> <title>ShotDev.Com Tutorial</title> </head> <body> <% Dim Conn,strSQL,objExec,chkDel Set Conn = Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Open "Driver={Oracle in OraHome92};DBQ=TCDB;UID=myuser;PWD=mypassword;" For Each chkDel in Request.Form("chkDel") strSQL = "" strSQL = strSQL&"DELETE FROM CUSTOMER " strSQL = strSQL&"WHERE CUSTOMERID = '"&chkDel&"' " Set objExec = Conn.Execute(strSQL) Next Response.write("Record deleted.") Conn.Close() Set objExec = Nothing Set Conn = Nothing %> </body> </html>
Create a asp file and save to path root-path/myasp/
Example 2 (Check All Button)
<% Option Explicit %> <html> <head> <title>ShotDev.Com Tutorial</title> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> function ClickCheckAll(vol) { var i=1; for(i=1;i<=document.frmMain.hdnCount.value;i++) { if(vol.checked == true) { eval("document.frmMain.chkDel"+i+".checked=true"); } else { eval("document.frmMain.chkDel"+i+".checked=false"); } } } function onDelete() { if(confirm('Do you want to delete ?')==true) { return true; } else { return false; } } </script> <form name="frmMain" action="asp_oracle_delete_checkbox2.asp" method="post" OnSubmit="return onDelete();"> <% Dim Conn,strSQL,objRec,i Set Conn = Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Open "Driver={Oracle in OraHome92};DBQ=TCDB;UID=myuser;PWD=mypassword;" strSQL = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER " Set objRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") objRec.Open strSQL, Conn, 1,3 %> <table width="600" border="1"> <tr> <th width="91"> <div align="center">CustomerID </div></th> <th width="98"> <div align="center">Name </div></th> <th width="198"> <div align="center">Email </div></th> <th width="97"> <div align="center">CountryCode </div></th> <th width="59"> <div align="center">Budget </div></th> <th width="71"> <div align="center">Used </div></th> <th width="30"> <div align="center"> <input name="CheckAll" type="checkbox" id="CheckAll" value="Y" onClick="ClickCheckAll(this);"> </div></th> </tr> <% i = 0 While Not objRec.EOF i = i + 1 %> <tr> <td><div align="center"><%=objRec.Fields("CUSTOMERID").Value%></div></td> <td><%=objRec.Fields("NAME").Value%></td> <td><%=objRec.Fields("EMAIL").Value%></td> <td><div align="center"><%=objRec.Fields("COUNTRYCODE").Value%></div></td> <td align="right"><%=objRec.Fields("BUDGET").Value%></td> <td align="right"><%=objRec.Fields("USED").Value%></td> <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="chkDel" id="chkDel<%=i%>" value="<%=objRec.Fields("CUSTOMERID").Value%>"></td> </tr> <% objRec.MoveNext Wend %> </table> <% objRec.Close() Conn.Close() Set objRec = Nothing Set Conn = Nothing %> <input type="submit" name="btnDelete" value="Delete"> <input type="hidden" name="hdnCount" value="<%=i%>"> </form> </body> </html>
Create a asp file and save to path root-path/myasp/