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How to use ASP & Sending Mail with CDONTS.NewMail (Reply-To Header)

How to use ASP & Sending Mail with CDONTS.NewMail (Reply-To Header) This is learn/tutorial asp developers how to using ASP script Sending Mail with CDONTS.NewMail (Reply-To Header)

ShotDev Focus:
- ASP & Sending Mail with CDONTS.NewMail (Reply-To Header)



<title>ShotDev.Com Tutorial</title>
Dim myMail,HTML,strMsg

Set myMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

strMsg = ""
strMsg = strMsg &"<h1>My Message</h1><br>"
strMsg = strMsg &"<table width='285' border='1'>"
strMsg = strMsg &"  <tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &"    <td><div align='center'><strong>My Message </strong></div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &"    <td><div align='center'><font color='red'>My Message</font></div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &"    <td><div align='center'><font size='2'>My Message</font></div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &"  </tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &"  <tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &"    <td><div align='center'>My Message</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &"    <td><div align='center'>My Message</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &"    <td><div align='center'>My Message</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &"  </tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &"  <tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &"    <td><div align='center'>My Message</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &"    <td><div align='center'>My Message</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &"    <td><div align='center'>My Message</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &"  </tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &"</table>"

myMail.From = "Webmaster <webmaster@shotdev.com>"
myMail.Value("Reply-To") = "shotdev@hotmail.com"
myMail.To   = "member@shotdev.com"
myMail.Subject = "My Subject"
myMail.MailFormat = 0
myMail.BodyFormat = 0
myMail.Body = strMsg


Response.write ("Mail Sending.")
Set myMail = Nothing

Create a asp file and save to path root-path/myasp/



ASP & Sending Mail with CDONTS.NewMail (Reply-To Header)

ASP & Sending Mail with CDONTS.NewMail (Reply-To Header)
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